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Happy Day of Thanks!

Happy vinter holidayz!  . . . . Vait, iz it not the time for the very merry und zee super jolly? Zhere are vinter decorations everywhere und zee fall seems to have flown zee coop! But it does feel like Halloveen vas only yesterday und zer are feelings of many thanks! Hmmm, vell, I suppose i’ll just have to go und see vat Bjorn iz cooking in zee Pzyonik thankometer.

Bjorn has not a care about vat you are celebrating, or how you are celebrating, but he does vant you to know that from all of us at zee land of yogg, who truly love all manner of gluten-free pie, roasts, und toasts, vee want to give you, our friends, clients und family, our many thanks. Ve are so grateful to have you be a part of our lives und vee hope you continue to do so. Spend time vith those dearest to you und have a great holiday!